Tech Tip – Useful Keyboard Shortcuts In YouTube

Tech Tip – Useful Keyboard Shortcuts In YouTube

If you would like a quick and convenient way to navigate through the videos in YouTube, and you would like some useful keyboard shortcuts.

Here is how to do it:

  • Open a browser and go to YouTube
  • Start a video
  • use the following keys (no need for he shift key) for the following functions:
    • F - to open the video in Full Screen
    • K - to pause or play (toggle)
    • J - rewind the video by 10 seconds
    • L - skip the video forward  by 10 seconds
  • use the following keys + the shift key for the following functions:
    • Shift + P - play the previous video
    • Shift + N - play the next video

Publish Date: Feb 23, 2023